Webmasters are responsible for managing content and graphics that make up a successful website. Some even have to create content and find web-safe graphics. It’s easy to lose track of the top key points in building a high traffic website when the to-do list stacks sky-high.
Websites Draw High Traffic If Properly Managed
Here are ten top tips to make a webmaster’s job easier and to make the website draw high traffic, satisfy visitors and meet the goals of the web owner.
- Create landing pages for categories or sections. If correctly done, these draw search engine spiders. List FAQs (frequently asked questions), links to outside resources and links to key articles. Make sure the meta information is sharply targeted to the section.
- Learn about SEO but don’t obsess. Effective natural use of key words, titles, and excellent content will make spiders crawl the site. Don’t over use any one technique and forget invisible keyword strings or purchased links.
- Use headlines and subheads that position key words strategically. Leave clever puns and wordplays for print headlines. Online, every word must help target the subject. “Curing Athlete’s Foot with Natural Remedies” goes way further than “Forget about De Agony of De Feet.”
- Encourage readers’ eyes to scan the web page and pick out key ideas. Subheads, bullet lists, manageable paragraphs and italicized key points allow readers to move quickly down the page. Online readers are in a hurry.
- Be consistent with style and usage. Too many fonts are off-putting. Writing “1st” in one paragraph and “first” in the next is confusing. Italics for one cited title, and quotes for the next looks unplanned. Read a style guide like the Chicago Manual or develop your own but keep consistent.
- Use acceptable grammar. Study up or hire a proof reader. There is nothing shabbier than a website full of poor grammar and bad syntax.
- Make images tell a story and enhance the website. Choose a consistent size and border style. An image should match the topic and be of good quality. Use alternative text functions to incorporate the images into SEO practices.
- Be sure all links are live and working. Links should be inspected often to make sure the target isn’t dead. Check spelling on links so they point at the target that was intended.
- Limit the use of bells, whistles, sound effects, music and embellishments. Spinning parrots were once the rage but websites have matured and users are, more often than not, annoyed at slow loading, loud, annoying gimmicks.
- Review completed pages in more than one browser before deploying. They should load quickly, in less than 3 seconds each. They should display the way the designer intended. The last step must be a final reading of text so that what is seen is what was meant.
Leave the Algorithms to Search Engines
The webmaster who pays attention to these ten tips has a better than average opportunity to see his or her website stand above the crowd and significant web traffic. Top webmasters stay up-to-date with technology and focus on creating a well-functioning site with strong content. They let the search engine companies worry about traffic algorithms.